Tag Archives: Sir Peter Blake

ACHOF Breaking News Update – New Print Show Featuring The Works of Legendary Pop Artist Sir Peter Blake Opens Friday June 21st at Enter Gallery in Brighton, U.K.

Sir Peter Blake stands outside his Art Bus rolling gallery – appearing on June 21 at the Enter Gallery

Posted June 19, 2024 by Mike Goldstein

Whenever fans of music and music-related art are asked to pick a rock-era album cover “top 10”, there are albums that are always appearing at or near the top of these lists, with one seminal work of art – the cover collage designed by a team of talented people led by pop art superstar Peter Blake (now Sir Peter Blake) that’s found on the cover of The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band LP – being inevitably in the Top 3. Of course, Blake’s work is also found on other well-known album packages for The Who (Face Dances), Eric Clapton (24 Nights); Oasis (Stop The Clocks), Sweet Child for Pentangle and the soul-stirring collage for Band Aid’s Do They Know It’s Christmas?, the Live Aid-related famine relief fund-raising record, but art collectors from around the world have also long-appreciated the designer’s portfolio of work outside the music business, so this new retrospective print collection that will be on display in the gallery (through the 2nd of July) will be what is perhaps the most extensive presentation of Blake’s work to date, featuring many of the iconic works that earned him the moniker ‘The Godfather of Pop Art’.

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