ACHOF – Donations Information Page

Support the project!







While, of course, the site is a labor of love – managed entirely by volunteer efforts (mostly mine!) – it’d be wonderful to know that you appreciate these efforts and are willing to show that appreciation in the form of a small donation. As you’ve seen, the site does not have any advertising on it and has rarely (only twice since 2010) accepted any sponsorships (helps keep me honest), I do incur several out-of-pocket expenses – Google and MS/Yahoo keyword ads, site hosting, email list management services and those annoying hardware replacement/service costs that inevitably-but-reliably show up – and it’d be wonderful to be able to recoup some of those costs.

To that end, I’ve installed a handy-dandy “Donate with PayPal” button (see the colorful oblong item, below) that enables generous and like-minded folks like you to securely donate whatever you’d like to “the cause” using pretty much any form of payment available these days. Any amount would be appreciated and would only serve to free my mind from the occasional “ka-ching” it hears when those credit card bills arrive each month.

Regardless of whether you choose to support my efforts monetarily or not, please rest assured that I will continue to provide you with the best coverage of the album cover art creation universe you can get anywhere on the Interwebs.

Thanks again for all your interest and support.

Mike Goldstein

Donate with PayPal