ACHOF – News and Features Page


One of the most-important aspects of the ACHOF site – and one of the reasons we know you’ll want to visit regularly and sign up for our email newsletter – is that we’re going to work hard to keep you up-to-date with newsworthy items about album cover art and design and the people who earn their living (and your respect) creating the impressive packaging for your favorite musical acts.

Each month, our editors scour the globe to find out who is doing what and then work hard to share the highlights of what’s taking place in the world of music-related art/photography/packaging in all major music categories. At the beginning of each month, we publish a news recap, highlighting and updating the stories of the previous month and presenting them in one easy-to-read package. Be sure to watch this space for notices of these recaps (which are, quite often, augmented with more-timely “ACHOF Breaking News” postings) so, by either signing up to get an email notice of these recaps following us on Twitter or LinkedIn, you’ll get this information as it is published.

News is listed in several ways on this site. The most-recent postings are shown in the right-hand column under the “Our Most-Recent Articles” heading. You may also use (again, in the right-hand column) the drop-down menu under the “Search All Articles By Category” heading and look for the “Album Cover News Recaps” menu item. Simply click on that heading and you’ll be taken to a page that shows you the most-recent recap articles.  Finally, you can also use the “Search This Site” feature to find any articles by keyword. For example, if you’d like to see any articles or interviews having to do with your favorite album package art director or musical act, just type the act’s name into the box and hit the “Search” button to see what we have for you on any of the pages or posts we’ve made over the years.

Someday, we’ll have a fancy database that will take you directly to what you’re looking for but, until that day, we’re pretty sure you’ll be able to find exactly what you’re looking for (although you might have to scroll down the pages a bit!). Thanks for your patience and your continued support of our efforts.